Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall 2011

Fall 2011 classes are underway!  ...I am already overwhelemed.  I usually LOVE going to classes, regardless of how hectic my day life is with work and juggling assignments and so on.  However, this semester I am not excited for school at all.  I feel like it's too much, especially with recently starting a full-time job.

In the past I have had part-time jobs here and there while I was in school.  I just took on a full-time teaching position and I have been trying to balance planning lessons, correcting papers, communicating with parents and so on.  It's certainly a lot of work, but it's what I have wanted to do for awhile and I feel blesses to have my job.

With all that venting done, I am off to study, plan, post, correct, assign and whatever else has to get done!  :-)

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