Thursday, October 13, 2011


So, I am sitting here on my prep period wondering why I am not doing prep work.  I get a lunch and two 45 minute preps everyday except for Wednesdays, meaning I could get a lot done.  However, Facebook and other distractions have been calling my name...

On Monday, I joined Weight Watchers - something which I am not ashamed to admit.  Although I am not huge, I am certainly getting up there.  I have gained 35-40 pounds since I graduated high school in 2004, 10 of which I packed on just this summer!!  I get 31 points a day and 49 "allowance" points a week that I can use to pig out on.  My biggest downfall are sweets and sodas, so it has been difficult to keep my hands off my fiance's stash of candy and the supply of soda that I have had since before my diet.  I have been eating a lot of fruits, especially bananas and peaches, which have surprisingly been delicious and very filling!  I also say I am going to go on a diet, but this time I am hoping to stick with it.  I didn't pay $55 to eat and ignore my plan.  In the long run, I hope to lose 20-25 pounds, but as for now I am aiming for 10 to begin.

Ugh, as I am sitting here on my prep, my lights just went off!  They are motion sensor,  so if I do not get up from my desk every so often, they shut off.  Although they are good for saving energy and electricity, it stinks that I have to stand up and move to get them to stay on!!

Alright, time for the 7th graders.  I have them and then another prep before the 6th grade comes along.  See you later! :)

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